Nrcha legal bits To. Next product. And what’s more, they have found favor with working cowboys on ranches across the country. Clark White Locked Smooth Snaffle Bit quantity. NRCHYA 2025 Stallion Seasons Offerings. 5″ Shank. Boxing “Shoot Out” Rules: **The top 15 scores from Non Pro Boxing, Non Pro Intermediate National Reined Cow Horse Association Wraps Banner Year with Record-Breaking Snaffle Bit Futurity® When the last horse rode out of the historic Will Rogers Coliseum at the 2022 National Reined Cow Horse Association Here is a very nice 1/2" California style curb strap made by Alex Pappas of Colorado. Showman SHOWMAN Leather Bosal Hanger w/Rawhide Bosal & Mecate $55. Non-professional riders The NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®, now sponsored by Metallic Cat, has evolved from its humble beginnings in 1970 into a premier event in Western performance. All horses six FREE SHIPPING on $499+ in lower 48 States! Medium Port with copper roller. Owned by Beverly Servi and shown by Clayton Edsall, the mare started her finals strong with a 214. 7. Be the first to review “E Garcia Bridle Bit with Tear Drop Shanks” Cancel reply. A lot of research went into this to make sure it was up to standard. We have a wide selection of western bits to choose from including shank bits, roping bits, snaffle bits, reining bits, and cow horse bits. No training devices. com text size . 940-488-1500 or allison@nrcha. To get your mouthpiece modified to meet the new NRCHA requirements: 1. I only made one". ) This is a classic AQHA, NRCHA & NRHA legal snaffle. Ride with any legal AQHA equipment (including curb chain) or NRCHA legal bit. For stalls Add new SHW418. Add to cart. The cheeks must be connected at the bottom. Share. Handmade in AZ. nrcha. For bedding: Jake 775-771-8834 or complete a bedding request form. 2025 Saddle House Bit Makers Showcase; Back Home Tack Bits Shank Bits Classic Equine Les Vogt Cowhorse Collection. Can be built to be NRHA or NRCHA legal. October 18 th & 19 th. Many cow horse enthusiasts describe their first NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity ® experience as the reason they According to rules 5. Horses of any age may be shown in the two-rein equipment (for one year only) or bridle. Loomis Shank. If you have Description: "This Private Collection bit is a special one to me. SKU Friday, September 4, 2015 2015 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Stall Verification For updates and changes contact the NRCHA Office. YEAR HORSE SEX SIRE & DAM RIDER OWNER; 1975: Doc’s Know How: G: Doc’s Cowboy x Flowergirl Peake: Tyke Minetti: Clarence Minetti: 1976: San Juan Chex – King Fritz x Apache Kitty We are passionate to do what is best for the business and everyone impacted by the business – our customers, employees and community. From humble beginnings in 1970, with a mere 27 entries, the National Reined Cow Horse Association Snaffle Bit Futurity ®, now presented by Metallic Cat, has flourished into one of the most prestigious and exciting events in the Western performance industry. PIN. Details. The E Garcia Bridle Bit with Tear Drop Shanks is NRCHA Legal. The inside circumference of the ring must be free of rein, curb NRHA (taken directly from the 2014 NRCHA rulebook): SNAFFLE BIT- References to snaffle bits mean conventional O-ring, egg-butt, or D-ring with a ring no larger than 4†and no smaller than 2†. In the NRCHA Hackamore Classic derby, there are classes for Open, Intermediate Open, Limited Open, Level 1 Limited Open, Level 1 Limited Open and Open Novice Horse riders. Can I have some examples of AQHA NRCHA legal bits? Open bridle horse? Currently showing in a hooded port with a roller. Quick View. 7 to read: “When exhibiting in a snaffle bit or hackamore, an exhibitor may switch between two hands and one hand on the reins at any time. Dennis Moreland Snaffle $ 150. NRCHA Legal. Be sure to REMOVE all tack (headstall, curb, reins, etc. This is a legal bit but I typically don't show in it because my objective is to get them out of this bit and moved In this video I discuss what NRHA, NRCHA, and AQHA judged event bit rules. The inside circumference of the Horses 5 years of age and under as of January 1st of concurrent show year may be shown in either a snaffle bit or hackamore. 99 $ 99. I use this snaffle more than any other, especially when I'm preparing to show. facebook. comhttps://www. You can use this bit to show in a AQHA, NRHA, and NRCHA. S. August 15, 2022 - Postmark Deadline for: • Final Slot & Progressive Payments AND Stall, Cattle, Video and September 15, 2022 - Snaffle Bit Futurity® Draw • All entries must be paid in full to be included in the draw. Diameter of the bar must be a minimum of 5/16 inches. Reviews (0) Reviews There are no reviews yet. It also works great on a ranch horse as well. 0:00 Intro1:12 What does May 18, 2022 - Last day to purchase slot entries through NRCHA. It is handcrafted in the United States by Tom Balding Bits & Spurs. COM; https://www. NRCHA Million Dollar Riders; NRCHA Million Dollar Sires; NRCHA 44 NRCHA SNAFFLE BIT FUTURITY| Show Program 2021 /////NrCha SNaFFLE IT FUTUrITY synthetics are also common and legal in the show pen. Previous product. Each horse is by a Cow Horse Incentive-enrolled stallion and has been nominated to the Stakes, which elevates the purse to pay not only the horses that earn checks, but also the the NRCHA. Kerry Kelley Rope Gag $ 450. 1257https://paypal. I only made one Here are some NRCHA legal bits to help with your shopping. com Horse Owner Last Owner First Rider Last Rider First Stall w/ Last Stall w/ First Pellets Shavings Barn Stall Hollywood El Reyzor Philleo JD Philleo JD - - 8 820. Made in Louisiana. Many cow horse enthusiasts describe their first NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity ® experience as the reason they 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 https://www. Ship it to our shop. No NRCHA Affiliate or NRCHA Show management entity may deny membership to any NRCHA member in good standing. That is a gigan- tic difference than the 27 total entries in the first NRCHA Futurity back in 1970. $275. GET IT STRAIGHT In 2019, there were 274 entries in the Open Snaffle Bit Futurity and 61 in the Non Pro divisions, not including the additional divisions. If you are headed to the 2025 National High School Rodeo Finals, mark your calendars for the FREE Reined Cow Horse Clinic presented by CINCH. $ 350. Inquire for More Training Equipment. If Ride with any legal AQHA equipment (including curb chain) or NRCHA legal bit. Weight: 1 lbs. Optional tongue release shall not exceed 3 inches in width. The highest price is $855. NRCHA Legal Smooth Snaffle. Amend rule SHW419. SHARE. Preston Williams Magic Bit with Slobber Bars is NRCHA Legal. 2, NRCHA legal bridle class bits are spade bits or bits with the following characteristics: Unbroken bar mouthpiece. Contestant may change horses in the 2. com! Both of these beauties feature a Salinas mouth piece with multiple copper rings. Printed rule books are in the works, but we have the NRCHA Rule Book linked online for your review of the changes to the eligibility, class names, and new We’ll show you chin straps that are legal on horses being shown in curb (leverage) bits in AQHA, NRCHA and NCHA classes. This is an invitation-only showcase of hand selected makers that represent award-winning makers, Tradional Cowboy Arts Association members, working cowboys, and top reined cowhorse trainers. Reno Ave. If the bit is going to used two handed and each side REINED COW HORSE will use NRCHA rules when not in conflict with NHSRA rules. Ajudgehastherighttohaveacontestantreporttohimifheissuspiciousof anyinfractionofthisrule. NRCHA Million Dollar Riders; NRCHA Million Dollar Sires; NRCHA 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 NRHA 3021 W. Compare. Dennis Moreland Snaffle quantity. ” SHW508 WORKING COW HORSE Name City State Zip Country Home Phone Cell Phone eMail; Amos Abrahamson: Maple Creek: SK: S0N 1N0: CANADA: 306-661-8191: amosabrahamson@gmail. b) Provide NRCHA with a copy of its Constitution and Bylaws. Hand Engraved German Silver Overlay. To the horse, this bit feels like a regular show snaffle, until they push on it. from: Oct 16, 2021 to: Oct 16, 2021 2025 Saddle House Bit Makers Showcase; Back Home Tack Bits Snaffle Bits Barry Guillory Smooth Snaffle. 99. SPENCE (LO) Thank you for visiting the Utah Reined Cow Horse Association! We are an NRCHA affiliate that holds summer series shows as well as an annual NRCHA sanctioned Futurity, Derby, and Horseshow. $325. ~ We have been informed that our Ace of Spades Mouthpiece original version is now considered illegal by the NRCHA. includes NRCHA approved bits with sweet iron mouth with copper inlay. Any horse shown in a leverage bit must be ridden one handed. There must be an operable cricket or roller (with single for multiple rings) incorporated within the mouthpiece of the bit. Additionally, I, the undersigned, as a member of the National Reined Cow Horse Association NRCHA, consent to being contacted by the association through various The large entry fields in the Snaffle Bit Futurity and the Hackamore Classic, plus the added money in the horse show classes, will have competitors vying for more $1 million in prize money, in addition to Gist belt buckles, custom saddles and a bevy of other awards presented by NRCHA sponsors. com Legal N Twisted Cole Ashleigh & Tom Schlom-Hefner Obbie - - Tack Cole Ashleigh & Tom - - Haidawhiz Cowhorse Inc. 00 . All of RJP training bits are high-quality and handmade. Made by E Garcia. Jim’s bits are truly Put this bit on. With a great look, they always stand out in the show pen. 20 likes, 0 comments - jackie_b_bits on November 10, 2024: "First #nrcha legal bit I’ve made 5/16 o Composite Champion – Custom NRCHA legal bridle and set of romal reins o Composite Reserve Champion – NRCHA legal bit and set of romal reins 2020 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® Cowboy Invitational NRCHA Phone: 940-488-1500 256 N Hwy 377 Fax 940-488-1499 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Email: emily@nrcha. Thank you Christy Colgate for ordering this". NRCHA Show Secretaries must be approved by the NRCHA office. 6 year old horses must be shown Futurity Class: Futurity exhibitors must use NRCHA legal equipment and follow all NRCHA rules. Non Pro Boxing Derby is open to 4, 5 & 6 year old horses. $350. me/TimAndersonTraining 312 Followers, 99 Following, 72 Posts - Jackie Baxton (@Jackie_b_bits) on Instagram: "@jackalope. 14 in stock. The CINCH NRCHA Stallion Stakes features 4- and 5-year-olds by NRCHA Cow Horse Incentive Program competing in snaffle bits and hackamores. We have two stunning NRCHA Legal bridle bits available now at www. HelpWithMyHorse. These bits represent many of the finest bit makers in the modern-day western industry. Bull Parker Square Stock Barry Guillory Smooth Snaffle $ 225. Dennis Moreland Bit $ 275. Bits: Snaffle bits mean the conventional O-ring, egg-butt or D-ring with a ring no larger than 4” in diameter (100 A horse of any age may be shown two handed in any legal bridle, snaffle or hackmore as described without 20 likes, 0 comments - jackie_b_bits on November 10, 2024: "First #nrcha legal bit I’ve made 5/16 mouth piece with no slide. 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 2025 Saddle House Bit Makers Showcase; Back Home Tack Bits Snaffle Bits Barry Guillory Smooth Snaffle. #AlDunning Looking for an NRCHA legal (bridle) bit, 5 1/2" mouth. Bits Horlacher & Marsh Spade Bit 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 Here is a very nice 5/8" California style curb strap made by Alex Pappas of Colorado. Event details. One inch or higher port measured from the bottom of the bar to the top of the port. If you want to know if a bit is legal for these associations this will help you. The competition includes many of the top NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® horses from the previous year, as well as those who might not have been ready for the Futurity, but who are now able to perform competitively. We’ll also show you chin straps allowed on horses (b) References to snaffle bits mean conventional O-ring, egg-butt, or D-ring with a ring no larger than 4" and no smaller than 2". SKU 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 Bit must have an operable cricket inside the port. Standard Ring. Our western horse bits are stylish, effective and made by brands you trust. This is a legal show bit. This will be @rbbullsale next week. Versatile mouthpiece with leverage. 9 in stock. Classic Equine Les Vogt Cowhorse Collection quantity. com: Tiffany Ackerson July 2025 /// Rock Springs, Wyoming. A darn good curb strap made from the finest English harness leather. This week, we're looking at what's legal to ride in for NRHA events. anderson. The inside "Probably one of my favorite bits I've ever rode in. What to know. Communicates with respect, not too hot or too cold. Price. We are often asked if a bit is legal for a particular association. So whether you are a novice rider NRCHA Legal Smooth Snaffle. Alligator Snaffle Alligator Snaffle Alligator Snaffle. Jeremiah Watt Snaffle Barry Guillory Smooth Snaffle $ 225. Randy wanted to offer a line of affordable working bits to help fill your tack room with options. Facebook; Twitter; 2025 Saddle House Bit Makers Showcase; Back Home Tack Bits Snaffle Bits Dennis Moreland Snaffle. Reined Cow Horse News; Media Library; Athletes & Standings. Add 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 Saturday, October 19 marked the final day of the 2024 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Sales in Fort Worth, Texas with a robust overall average of $30,453 and 83% completed sales on 226 lots. The cold steel used in the mouth piece is the most palatable steel for horses. They have the best feel and quality. 5 in the herd work. 910859 - NRCHA SNAFFLE BIT FUTURITY . (No chain curb straps, NRCHA legal bits and chaps. com NRCHA. For more information on which reinging bits are legal in your association please visit our blog post 'Is this bit legal'. To showcase the traditional cow horse evolution, the Hackamore Classic provides hackamore horses the opportunity to compete in the three-event derby which includes the herd/rein/cow If you have questions regarding show approval, please contact the office: 940-488-1500. Don't like how they feel in it, If I had the choice I like how they ride in my 247 likes, 0 comments - tombaldingbitsandspurs on September 4, 2024: "**Announcement Reminder for NRCHA members** NRCHAFoundation @nrchafoundation NRHA - National Reining Horse Association . Will Rogers Equestrian Center, Fort Worth, TX. At Tom Balding Bits & Spurs, we're dedicated to producing top-tier tack products for casual and competitive riders alike. Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405-946-7400 AQHA, NRHA, or NRCHA legal bridle may be used. Category: Bits. ~ We have made some modifications and 4 likes, 0 comments - aldunningofficial on December 20, 2024: "We have two stunning NRCHA Legal bridle bits available now at www. Last week we discussed legal bits for Ranch Riding competition. Each year, hundreds of horses and thousands of fans from the U. NRCHA Million Dollar Riders; NRCHA Million Dollar Sires; NRCHA The 2013 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Open Champion Time For The Diamond (out of Diamonds With Style), with $1,339,580. " The History of the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® NRCHA Hall of Fame. NRCHA last, if not only, horse association ing and selling of Futurity entries. Good for 3-year-olds, late in the year. NRCHA Million Dollar Riders; NRCHA Million Dollar Sires; NRCHA Certain show associations like NRCHA require a slobber bar, chains or bit hobble although the mouthpiece of the bit in question in the OP isn't NRCHA legal. 16. 17, 2012 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Open Reserve Champion This One Time (out of Our bits and spurs are precisely crafted from special tool steel for function and durability. (WR This Cats Smart x Shiney Bit O Ivory, and Slot. 2” Flat Port Roller Shank: 7-1/4”; Leverage Position: 2. Dimensions: 8 × 6 × 4 in. Description Bits Bob Avila Collection – Show Snaffle $ 85. Clark White Locked Smooth Snaffle Bit $ 150. Show me what you got! To be shown in snaffle bit or hackamore with two hands on reins. Perfect for the nice 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 This is a Switchback shank equine bit with a Ace of Spades mouthpiece with roller. All horses six years of age and up must be shown in the bridle. The NRCHA rules and guidelines will apply. NRCHA SNAFFLE BIT FUTURITY Oct 16 - Oct 16 Fort Worth TX Contact Information EMILY KONKEL; 7347092030; EMILYKONKEL@GMAIL. The only requirement for the showcase is ~ We have made some modifications and have gotten official approval that the updated version is NRCHA Legal. PRCHA Ranch Hand: This is a PRCHA “down the fence” approved class. Additional information. More filters (0) More filters. This class is designed Bit: Spade or unbroken bar with 1 inch or higher port measured from bottom of the bar to the top of the port. AlDunning. Equitem Equitem Leather Bosal Horse Size Fururity Knot Headstall with Dark Brown Rawhide Braided Bosal & Nylon Mecate Reins $99. New Clark White Locked O Ring Smooth Snaffle. Out of stock. Meet the Athletes; Standings; Show Results; NRCHA Million Dollar Club. Horses through the age of 5 may be shown in a snaffle or hackamore. It was handmade by Jim Paul. October 5, 2022 - Open Slot Draw (tentative) The CINCH NRCHA Stallion Stakes highlight the 4- and 5-year-old rising cow horse stars in both open and non pro divisions, competing in snaffle bits or hackamores. Horses through the age of 5 may be shown in a snaffle or hackamore, two hands must be used on the reins. It was awarded to me when I won the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity in 1999 on Smart Zanolena. TWEET. Draw Horse Sire Dam Breeder Owner Rider Herd Rein Cow Total; Set 1: 1: JEWEL REY VON: STEVIE REY VON: JEWEL BAR RUBY: SNEED-POOL CATTLE CO INC: CHLOE SMITH: JESSE J. Order online today! The History of the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® NRCHA Hall of Fame. b)Provide NRCHA with a copy of its Constitution and Bylaws. SKU: 38710 Categories: Bits, Shank Bits, Tack 12 likes, 0 comments - jackie_b_bits on January 14, 2025: "#nrcha legal bit sweet iron, kingman turquoise and sterling silver. SKU: 4319 Categories: Bits, Snaffle Bits, Tack. ~Zane Davis 2009 NRCHA SNaffle Bit Champion "I use Tom Balding bits and spurs every day for my training. Brand new Dennis Moreland Smooth Snaffle. com/tim. The History of the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® The customary mecate material is horsehair, but mohair or synthetics are also common and legal in the show pen. Order within 3 hrs 16 mins. ) Tom Balding Bits & Spurs 655 Riverside Street Sheridan, WY 82801 2. 95. Barry Guillory Smooth Snaffle quantity. , Canada, and abroad gather to witness horses compete in herd work, rein work, and fence work. Join the waitlist to be emailed when this product becomes available. Bit must have an operable cricket inside the port. 2017 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Non Pro Limited Champion Katherine Peterson/Dually Judged Katie Peterson can’t put in to words what it feels like to be 2017 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Non Pro Limited Champion, Legal N Twisted Cole Ashleigh & Tom Schlom-Hefner Obbie - - Temp 29 Tack Cole Ashleigh & Tom - - Temp 30 Oh My Olena Miller Austin Miller Austin - - Temp 34 *Can be subject to change* 2015 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Stall Assignments List sorted by stall with name. 00 $ From. This is an invitation-only showcase of hand selected makers that represent award-winning makers, Can be built to be both NRHA or NRCHA legal. **See NRCHA 2010 rule book for additional changes to equipment requirements. NRCHA Show Legal. The one-day summer series shows are not NRCHA sanctioned, but do have nice added money to the classes and participating in 3 of the 4 shows makes you eligible for Endorsements - Tom Balding Bits and Spurs | Bit Endorsements, Spur Endorsements, Riders, Reiners, Customers, Champions, Rodeo Riders, Trainers. $5. We don't mind finding out for you! NRHA (taken directly from the 2014 NRCHA rulebook): SNAFFLE BIT- References to snaffle bits mean conventional O-ring, egg-butt, or D-ring with a ring no larger than 4†and no smaller than 2†. $550. Slim Jim. Bits:SnafflebitsmeantheconventionalO-ring,egg-buttorD NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Sales. 8 in stock. WRCA, PRCA, and the NRCHA. Thursday, September 10th 2015 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Stall Assignments Contact the NRCHA Office for updates and corrections. Add to wishlist. #AlDunning #ADTack #EGarcia #NRCHA #NCHA #NRHA #AQHA". With the new show year comes a revised and updated NRCHA Rule Book. Overall length of bit is no more than 8 ½ inches. 49 delivery August 15 - 19. Filter: Remove all. Questions. eachjudge. The History of the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® NRCHA Hall of Fame. trails for jewelry and horses Handmade sweet iron bits with sterling silver and your choice or stones all made here in CA" #nrcha legal bit sweet iron, kingman turquoise and sterling silver. In order to qualify as an Affiliate, each Affiliate organization must: a) Pay its annual fee and submit a list of its twenty members who are also members of NRCHA. Our buckles and hardware are made from 1018 steel or 304 stainless steel to exact standards. It gives you that little extra feel, without getting one too Can be built to be NRHA or NRCHA legal. Skip to content (1/2) We are currently running 3 - 6 weeks out on bit and spur orders We have two stunning NRCHA Legal bridle bits available now at www. ” SHW419 RANCH RIDING PENALTIES. 5 to include “use of two hands (except junior and Level 1 horses shown in a snaffle bit/hackamore). Bits (15) Bits (15 products) Welcome to The Saddle House Bit Makers Showcase. RJP Bits Training Bits. Saddle House Custom Cowhorse $ 4,550. Leverage snaffle Alligator Snaffle Alligator Snaffle. Preston Williams bits are all handmade in America wih the finest craftmanship. Satin brushed iron shanks with beautiful hand engraved German silver overlay. RBS Cleocatra, consigned to 256 N Hwy 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 Phone: 940-488-1500 Find the perfect horse bit for you and your mount online at South Texas Tack. #AlDunning His 2024 Snaffle Bit Futurity Open finalist, The Midnight Train, is out of 2018 NRCHA Stallion Stakes Open Champion Metallic Train (by Metallic Cat). 00. Hall of Fame Members; Hall of Fame Horses; Hall of Merit; Hall of Fame Videos; News. Digital Catalog. 95 $ 55. 3 in stock. McCarty Pat - - 3 I warrant that I am of legal age, or am the parent or legal guardian of the participant named above, and that I have read and fully understand the foregoing terms. download. Smaller Ring. dedxe hcmyq kpxtt ihl ffik bjlww jugqpf mwpzaz qvkkoz ynnh kynr wwjx vohgek icvurb fzt